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Accessibility Statement


ProteKt Therapeutics Ltd. (the “Company”, "We", “US” “OUR” etc.) strives to provide the maximum website user experience to the general public, including people with disabilities.

Our offices are not intended for the reception of the public.

The registered office of the Company at 16 Bar Kochva St., Bnei Brak at ENF law firm is not intended for reception of the public but only for receiving official mail. Therefore, even though there are certain accessibility arrangements in place, such as elevators access from the parking lot through the entrance to the reception (including elevators), on-floor accessible restrooms, etc.. All visitations must be coordinated with the company's CEO directly, it will not be possible to arrive at our offices and/or our parking lot without prior coordination. When coordinating a meeting, all accessibility needs for meeting participants will be taken into account.

Our Website

We have invested efforts in order to enable, facilitate and optimize the use of our website to allow people with disabilities to browse and use our website.

The accessibility adaptations on our site were made in accordance with Regulation 35 of the Equal Rights for People with Disabilities Regulations (Service Accessibility Adaptations), 5773 - 2013, Israeli Standard I.S. 5568 that is based on the WCAG 2.0 guidelines to a AA level and subject to changes and adaptations made in the Israeli Standards document.

Accessibility adaptation has been tested in leading browsers such as Firefox and Chrome in their latest versions, up to the use of screen reader-type assistive technologies (NVDA)

How the website was made accessible

  • Links at the beginning of the page allow skipping to the content.

  • Textual description of images and icons for assistive technologies.

  • Buttons for stopping and activating galleries.

  • Implementation of ARIA attributes that aid in interpreting the website content more accurately and better.

  • Accessibility of menus, forms, header hierarchy, tab components, pop-ups, and more.

To navigate the site using the keyboard, use the tab key. Each press will take you to the next link.

Pressing shift + tab will return you to the previous link. The font size can be changed using the keyboard: press the ctrl + keys to increase font size , press the keys ctrl - keys to reduce font size.

Details of the company's accessibility officer

Name: Yotam Nisemblat


Telephone: +972-54-6491370

Have you encountered a problem? Tell us!

We try to keep and maintain our website and improve accessibility. If you have found and/or encountered difficulties browsing the site, please contact us at email
We'll take care of the problem and get back to promptly with the details.

Statement revision date

The Accessibility Statement was last updated on: 05 December, 2023

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